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Hide details for  7.0.4 7.0.4
JJMA756AZFChanges were made to commit records while virtualization
for every 150 records. Virtualization was taking much longer time when we were using the...
KKOO77KFNQPrior to this fix, the correct value was not set to the SchedTime field of the Activity document. The formula of the Autostart /off agent was...
DGIN73RQTUThe LEI activity occasionally got killed by external source & LEI was not able to detect abnormal termination. Fixed by building error handling...
Hide details for  7.0.3 7.0.3
KKOO5VWDU6The transfer limitation for double-byte data in a Graphic field has been removed.
TDEY6TFKCRSwitched all Daylight Savings Time and Timezone calls to use Domino methods.
PALT6TLTUPAll LCLSX calls which had an optional ouput string as a variable were leaking memory by not properly freeing the string. This problem has been fixed...
JDEP6R9NYGThis is a fix for when a blank time/date/datetime appears in a Text connection document, it is transfered to DB2 as the current time instead of a...
DGIN6TFS65Added support for the Oracle charcter set WE8ISO8859P15.
JDEP6R9P6QProvided a fix for when a blank time/date/datetime appeared in a Text connection document. It was transferred to DB2 as the current time instead of...
KWEL6S5QVFOracle has added a new character set in 10g (AL32UTF8). Added support for this new character set.
JDEP6RLRF2Added the Notes.ini variable, EIOracleMapEmptyToNULL, to control if empty strings are written out to Oracle as zero length strings or...
DGIN6SCNZPAdded support for Oracle synonyms.
DGIN6QRRD3When a package was called, there was an error message, "Metadata does not exist." Fixed so that retry will work even if initial connect...
AVSE72M9PEFixed a problem where the owner name was attached to the metadata twice if metadata was provided with owner/schema name.
KKOO73HEC8Fixed a problem where the value of the data transmitted to the date field was reduced by one day. This problem only occurred between the hours of...
HYAI6ZB6KFIf there is a semicolon at the end of select statement of Direct Transfer Activity, when the Activity is executed, error "ORA-00911" is displayed. ...
WMUY6V7LV5Fix for memory allocated during Note validation. The memory is now properly freed.
DGIN6Z3PBNChanged the collate weight of empty and NULL values in Order metaconnector to match Notes weights for LMBCS only.
YASI6RM8GLWith this fix, polling activity stops at the next Polling cycle after "Stop At Time".
NNAI6TF8T2Fixed a problem where the scheduling algorithm failed if no days were set in ActiveDays. 100% CPU usage when trying to schedule and the server...
KWEL6T4PY4Fixed a problem where european and double byte characters were not uploading correctly to SAP.
KWEL6T4QNECode to init values used with RFC_READ_TABLE was blanking out values that might be explicitly wanted. This fix is to first init and then set...
JDEP6LKS8WThere was a hard coded limit to the number of matches possible. This fix now allows for 1024 matches.
JDEP6RW3ALFixed a memory leak in view rebuilds when VirtDoc activity was running.
JACE6W644RAdded support for Oracle character set KO16MSWIN949.
DGIN72RLJDWith this fix activity will be run on the designated server only, when the LEI Cluster (Original) is used.
JDEP6YZUHPEnabled DB2CODEPAGE detection on UNIX systems.
JJMA6VH5BNAdded special handling for Informix to wrap all Owners in single quotes.


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